Shenandoah virginia injury attorney

Damages from automobile accidents are often classified as economic damages and the replacement of damaged automobiles, past and future medical expenses, income losses and other out-of-pocket expenses. Non-economic damages cover things like pain, emotional distress, and disability or disfigurement.

Examples of damages resulting from automobile accidents include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Medical expenses
  • Car rentals
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of affection or companionship
  • Limits to damages

However, there are some pitfalls that can eliminate your compensation for a car accident.

The first, and often strictest, limit is the time limit (statute of limitations) to present a legal case. In California, you have two years for personal (physical) claims for injuries and three years for property claims. This period is drastically shortened, however, if a government party (for example, a police cruiser) is involved, then it would only have six months to file.

The attorneys at Price Benowitz LLP are dedicated to the pursuit of justice and the protection of the livelihoods of our clients who have suffered personal injury in Washington DC. The laws in Washington are complex and confusing. Our experienced injury lawyers can clarify how the law can protect you and your estate.

  • Metro accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Slips and falls
  • Bus accidents
  • Local responsibility
  • Defective products
  • Train accidents
  • Medical negligence

Coping with an injury in Shenandoah Virginia can have devastating effects. If you are undergoing from a mental or physical affliction, lost wages or high medical expenses, our injury lawyer understands the effects that such an event may have on your life. If you are suffered from damage or loss caused by a vehicle, a fall, an accident at work, medical malpractice or a traumatic brain injury, your life can be drastically and changed permanently. A personal injury lawyer will guide you through the litigation process that can often be confusing and frustrating.

Injuries Caused by Automobile Accidents

An accident attorney from DC knows that automobile accidents are one of the most common causes of personal injury and injury. According to traffic rules in Shenandoah Virginia, an average of six million people suffers a vehicular accident every year.

Traffic accidents are often the result of the negligence of another individual. An accident lawyer in Washington can help you prove who has the responsibility and help you achieve success in your claims. Traffic accidents cause property damage and can cause a variety of injuries, such as head trauma, paralysis and even death by negligence. One of our lawyers can help you make sure you do not have to pay for the carelessness of others.

Medical negligence

With millions of people coping with medical procedures, every year there are more cases of medical malpractice. People are confident that medical professionals will demonstrate their knowledge, skills and that they will offer a high level of care.

The negligence of the medical staff and the lack of attention level can cause medical damages. An injury lawyer can be essential in preserving your rights since medical malpractice cases can be complex. One of our attorneys will evaluate your medical records, studies and exams to determine how legitimate your case is. If you are suffering from medical harm, consulting a civil liability lawyer who is informed on this subject can protect your legal rights. Personal injury lawyers gather the essential and necessary data to successfully mitigate your claim.

Your lawyer will help you file the claim in time to preserve your right to compensation. Do not wait to call us for a consultation. The laws dictate that a claim can only be filed within a short time after the incident. There is no need that you have to pay immediately, but you have to act accordingly.